Dec 2020 | Articles |

We’re excited to announce the very latest feature releases for Aperture Data Studio that will help you manage your company’s data like never before. If you’re new to Experian’s data management solutions then please read on. If not, then skip straight to the ‘What’s new?’ section below.


What is Aperture Data Studio?


Aperture Data Studio is a powerful and easy to use data management suite that helps you manage large consumer data projects with confidence. It enables you to quickly and easily develop sophisticated workflows to manage complex data initiatives. Aperture Data Studio automatically performs data tagging exercises powered by machine learning algorithms, and enriches the data using globally-curated data. This helps you manage the quality, availability and usefulness of your data.


What’s new?


The Aperture Data Studio v2.2 release includes several compelling and important new features and enhancements. As always, our commitment to constantly develop Aperture Data Studio is unwavering and our ambition to empower data managers our primary focus.


In the latest release of Aperture Data Studio there are three sets of new headline features:


  1. Drillable & Interactive Datasets
  2. Charting improvements
  3. Data tagging enhancements & Threshold Helper


Drillable datasets – Drill deeper into validation rule results and see the list of passing or failing rows. This ensures outliers or anomalies in your data can now be identified quicker and in a more fine-grained manner.


Interactive datasets – Users have the ability to drill down into the results of snapshots, supporting data discovery throughout the full lifecycle of your data. This simplifies the number of objects you need to work with to get to the answers you care about.


Charting improvements – We’ve implemented a new charting library and updated the look and feel of our charts, plus there are now multiple different chart options available. These charts make it much easier to view results in a visual way and removes the need for you to need a 3rd party tool to create compelling visuals.


Data tagging enhancements – This powerful new feature makes it possible to apply tagging at any stage of the data lifecycle. This accelerates speed of insights into the characteristics of data structures and accelerates the building of workflows.


Threshold helper – This feature enables you to configure the threshold for the number of records that will be considered in the sample of rows you’ll look at for data tagging. The Threshold Helper accelerates insights and workflow building and removes inefficiencies in data summarisation and characterisation.


Take Aperture Data Studio for a spin


Aperture Data Studio can radically change the way you manage your company’s data, providing new insights and lasting quality improvements. Visit Aperture Data Studio and click ‘Start your Free Trial’. Or complete the form below to learn more about our Data Quality solutions.