Dec 2017 | Related - Crosscore |
The multitude of transactions in today’s digitalised world has resulted in the rise of a new digital currency between organisations and consumers – trust.

Businesses looking for consumers to interact, and ultimately transact will need to grasp the science behind enabling a smooth customer experience while implementing a robust fraud prevention and management strategy to ensure a safe and secure environment for the consumer that results in a longer-term relationship based on trust.

Commissioned by Experian to IDC, The Fraud Management Insights 2017 is designed to help organisations benchmark themselves against industry peers whilst providing in-depth consumer data points to help businesses understand and achieve the finesse in shaping their fraud management and prevention strategy.

Key highlights that organisations can benefit from include:

  • The Experian – IDC Digital Trust Index, a benchmark for the level of trust consumers place with organisations they interact and transact with digitally
  • Rise of the Super-ID: Moving beyond the national ID and augmenting fraud detection capabilities with alternative data to uniquely and accurately identify customers
  • 10 best practices to earn, maintain and strengthen customers trust – Lessons from Asia’s leading organisations.

Want to know more? Grab a copy of the report today!

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